Sunday, September 2, 2012

School Days

We have begun a new school year.  And even though I'm sure it will be full of challenges, it's going to be a good year none the less (because I say so!)  Here's some pictures from our first day.  And no, the kids don't like wearing the uniforms, or smiling for pictures in them, they were bribed. 

Ward Beach Party

 Summer has come to an end.  But before it did we got to enjoy one more trip to the beach, this time with our new ward family.  Here are some of our pictures.  Unfortunately the camera got put into the cooler (hey, I thought it would be safe there) and the lens had condensation on it.  That's why some of the pictures look foggy.  Oh, and in case you're wondering, summer here is over but beach season is year round so all of you really should be saving pennies to come see us soon! 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Road to Constanza

 So this adventure started just like any other.  I knew we were going to be needing our 4 wheel drive, and that a friend of Seth's had done it before and blew a tire...I was up for it.
 We started in the South, near Ocoa.  The scenery was beautiful and full of Dominican charm.
 We winded our way up mountain passes and were in awe at the scenery. 

 I love agriculture in foreign countries.  We passed through field after field of tomatoes, bananas, passion fruit, eggplant, onion, and dozens of others.  Did you know that the banana had such an amazing purple flower at the bottom?  And that we really don't need those fancy cages for our tomatoes?

 The flowers here are amazing, and this one is shown off perfectly in front of the bright blue house.

 The farmers here have nothing and yet they plant flowers and paint their homes in bright colors.  Everyone is entitled to a little happiness.  We should have taken more packages of cookies on this trip, we passed a LOT of kids. 

 We passed through a national park, Valle Nuevo. 
 No matter the species, mama's can't resist kissing that little nose. 
 So, all along the way it was misting.  The road was getting wetter and the cliffs on each side bigger and steeper.  And, it seemed, narrower.  I was getting nervous. 

 And yet the beauty seemed to lure us onward. 

 Enjoying the tropical forest. 

 We took this picture a few minutes after someone told us that we shouldn't go "that way", the road was too bad.  And this was right before I totally freaked out and started crying because I was terrified that all 7 of us were going to roll to our death right here in the beautiful mountains of the DR. 
 We took this picture right after I freaked out and hit Seth because I thought he was going to let all of us die together.  He told me to get out and walk if I was scared, I told him I was too scared to look.  I considered taking all the kids out and walking down the hill, but then realized that if anything happened the 6 of us would be watching him roll down the hill...didn't seem a whole lot better, I was stumped.  Finally I convinced him to get out and survey the road.  Then we prayed and I closed my eyes while he passed.  I'm not sure what I freaked out about, because I couldn't look.  But we're here, alive, all of us.  On the following part of the trail the farmhand stood and watched.  We wondered if we were going to slide right into his onion field, but we didn't.  I still kind of wonder what would have happened if we had.  He probably would have helped us out and said "esta bien" as we drove away. 
 See all that mud caked on our wheels? 
 We came across this waterfall that I'm sure not many tourists have seen.
 But this waterfall was our final destination. It's called Aguas Blancas.  We'd been there before from another road through Constanza.  Beautiful and cold. 

 Seth is the only one crazy brave enough to swim there.  Aren't the kids darling...
 Another shot of the fabulous banana flower.  Who knew? 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Bahia de las Aguilas

 The most beautiful beach in the Dominican Republic.  Also one of the hardest to get to.  The beach is located in a National park.  You can either ride a boat around the rock cliffs or if you have 4 wheel drive (which my husband is so pleased to have) you can drive over the rock cliffs.  Our only mistake, we visited this beach in the 1st year of our stay here.  Now, whenever we go to another beach we'll always compare it to the beauty of Bahia de las Aguilas (Bay of the Eagles). 
 Chillin on the white sandy Beach
 Overlooking the mar (sea).
 We arrived here on a Friday night and the road to Bahia de las Aguilas was closed.  We had planned on camping there but had to settle for camping here instead.  I know, can you believe it?  We sure felt like we were roughing it (wink).
 The beach where we camped.
 Campin' on the beach 
My child is eating what?  Oh, it's just cereal from his cup.
So here's how we got there....I promise it looks much easier than it was!  I was so terrified that the kids and I got out of the car and walked.  Abram stayed close enough to get some picts on our way out.  I couldn't watch. 

JoyeLoni enjoying the overlook
So this is a very typical mode of transportation here.  They're either piled onto the back of an open truck, like this.  Or just as many of them are on a motorcycle (okay, not quite this many, only 4-6 people can reasonably fit on a motorcycle).  Pictures of that will be coming soon!