Sunday, September 2, 2012

School Days

We have begun a new school year.  And even though I'm sure it will be full of challenges, it's going to be a good year none the less (because I say so!)  Here's some pictures from our first day.  And no, the kids don't like wearing the uniforms, or smiling for pictures in them, they were bribed. 

Ward Beach Party

 Summer has come to an end.  But before it did we got to enjoy one more trip to the beach, this time with our new ward family.  Here are some of our pictures.  Unfortunately the camera got put into the cooler (hey, I thought it would be safe there) and the lens had condensation on it.  That's why some of the pictures look foggy.  Oh, and in case you're wondering, summer here is over but beach season is year round so all of you really should be saving pennies to come see us soon!